Rare diseases, as described in the European Union (EU), are diseases which affect a small number of people compared to the general population and spesific issues are raised in relation to their rarity.
Over six to seven thousand rare diseases have been discovered and these diseases are serious, often chronic and progressive.
There is no cure for most of rare diseases, but appropriate treatment and medical care can improve the quality of life of those affected and extend their life expectancy. Scientific and medical knowledge which in the field is rare, rendered the patients undiagnosed, misdiagnosed or with delayed treatment.
MRDS Rare Diseases List
The latest list is being updated, please email – for more information.
As per March 2023, Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) has listed almost 500 rare diseases in Malaysia
This list is periodically being updated by MOH. It represents Rare Diseases that have assistance or interventions by MOH. With robust research and innovation, it is hoped that this list will continue to expand.
The condition that is not listed in the document does not mean that it is not a Rare Disease. Provided it meets the criteria and definition of Rare Disease, it may mean that there is no available medical intervention yet in Malaysia
For more information on the application procedure to include a new disease in the Malaysian Rare Disease List (2021).